Wright Water Engineers

1666 N. Main Avenue, Suite C
Durango, CO 81301
970-259-7411 (Telephone)
970-259-8758 (Fax)
Website: https://www.wrightwater.com/
Providing sustainable water resources engineering solutions since 1961. Wright Water Engineers, Inc. performs a diverse array of water resources engineering services. WWE adheres to the highest business ethics standards and provides state-of-the-art, high-quality work.
Wright Water Engineers, Inc. (WWE) is a full-service water resource, environmental, and civil engineering firm in Denver, Colorado (established 1961) with offices in Glenwood Springs, Colorado (established 1971) and Durango, Colorado (established 1990). WWE has a staff of approximately 45 people who include senior level engineers, hydrologists, scientists, biologists, chemists, geologists, and hydrogeologists. WWE professionals are Professional Engineers (P.E.s), Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESCs), Certified Floodplain Managers (CFMs), Ph.D.s, and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professionals. Most WWE employees have worked for the firm 15 years or longer and many are recognized experts in their respective disciplines. WWE staff members regularly testify as experts, publish, teach continuing engineering education, and are otherwise highly involved with professional activities.
WWE works throughout the United States and has an active client list of approximately 150 clients. We are characterized by long-term, highly satisfied clients, many of whom have used us for 20 years or longer.
Principal Engineer and CFO Kenneth Wright founded WWE on May 1, 1961, to provide integrated water resources engineering services. Over the past six decades, the company has had the great privilege of being involved in many landmark projects, such as the creation of the Mile High Flood District and the development of the first Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, the revitalization of the South Platte River through Denver, and design of infrastructure for many municipalities in Colorado.
WWE has been privileged to receive such awards as the “Colorado Ethics in Business Award” and the equivalent award presented at a national level by the National Society of Financial Professionals. We continue to apply the management and practice standards that were instrumental in receiving these awards.
The WWE philosophy is to provide quality services, on time, and on budget, and to adhere to the paramount responsibility of all licensed professional engineers—to protect public health, safety, and welfare. The cornerstones of WWE’s success have been our multifaceted approach to quality work and abiding by strong business ethics standards.
WWE has a staff of approximately 45 engineers, hydrologists, biologists, chemists, geologists, hydrogeologists and other team members. Many WWE employees have worked for the firm 10 years or longer and are recognized experts in their respective disciplines. WWE staff members regularly testify as experts, publish, teach continuing engineering education and are otherwise highly involved with professional activities.
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Visit the website at: https://www.wrightwater.com/