Volunteer for Events
Volunteer with the Water Information Program

Coloradans need to be informed on water issues and equipped to make smart decisions that guide our state to a sustainable water future. We do this by providing balanced and accurate information, education and leadership programs. The Water Information Program is a public information program sponsored by a variety of organizations that include agricultural, electric/energy, environmental, and water sectors in the nine-county Dolores/San Juan River Basin of Southwestern Colorado. The purpose of the WIP is to explain, promote, and publish objective and balanced information and educational workshops and festivals related to water in Southwestern Colorado. By providing coordinated, well-funded, and impactful education, outreach, and public engagement programs, members of our community become engaged in well-informed community discourse and decision making regarding balanced water solutions, and are empowered to take thoughtful action regarding critical water challenges facing the state and their communities.
Each year the Water Informaiton Program puts on a variety of events and workshops and we are always looking for volunteer support from our community.
Events include the following:
Childrens Water Festival – For the past 24 years the Water Information Program has produced the annual Water Festival on behalf of Southwestern Water Conservation District. The festival takes place the first Wednesday in May and has been held at Fort Lewis College. Over 800 fifth grade students from across the nine-county Dolores/San Juan River Basin participate, and more than 30 presenters and 30 volunteers lend support to make this fun event such an annual success.
Annual Forests-to-Faucets (F2F) Teacher Training Workshop – Since 2012, over 100 teachers have been trained in this program across the San Juan River Basin in the My Water Comes from the San Juan Mountains teacher guide, children’s book, and kit developed in 2009 and facilitated by Mountain Studies Institute, the Water Information Program, San Juan Forest Association and Ft. Lewis College. Ten teachers attended the two-day workshop where they explored topics in forest and watershed health, practiced the lessons found within the My Water guide, which includes place-based activities that address Colorado State standards, and met with local water experts and professionals. The two-day workshop is offered free of charge to educators.
Water Law in a Nutshell – This full day seminar coveres all aspects of the law related to water rights and ditch rights as applied in Colorado. Subject matter included the appropriation, perfection, use, limitations, attributes, abandonment and enforcement of various types of water rights, and special rules for groundwater, public rights in appropriated water, Federal and interstate compacts and more.
There may be other opportunities to lend support! If you are interested in volunteering please contact Elaine Chick at elaine@waterinfo.org.
Without your support, we would be unable to provide this valuable community service and important educational programs in southwest Colorado.