Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority

Keith McLaughlin – Executive Director
Logan Tower Bldg
1580 Logan Street, Suite 620
Denver, CO 80203-1942
(303) 830-1550
(303) 832-8205 [Fax]
The Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority (CWRPDA or Authority) was created by the Colorado State General Assembly in 1981. The Authority has evolved into a major financing resource for water and wastewater utilities throughout Colorado. In the 1980’s, the Authority was involved with many water projects and basin-wide studies, the satellite stream monitoring system, the financing of the Stagecoach Reservoir Project and negotiations involving the Animas-La Plata Project. Starting in 1989, the Authority began focusing on financing activities with the first bond issue for the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund. In 1990 the Authority completed its first “pooled” financing for the Small Water Resources Projects Program. In 1997, the Authority completed its first financing for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund. With statutory changes adopted in 2003, the Authority may fund loans of up to $500 million per borrower per project. In 2008 a Bill was enacted giving the Authority the ability to issue bonds for certain “Forest Health Projects,” and in 2013 the Bills sunset provision was extended to 2023. In 2013 the Authority’s “Forest Health Projects” Bill was amended to add “a project to harvest woody vegetation for, or use woody vegetation in, the production of energy, fuels, forest products, or other applications (biomass).” In May 2015, Governor Hickenlooper signed Senate Bill 15-121 amending the Authority’s statue to allow private nonprofit entities who operate public water systems with projects listed on the drinking water revolving fund eligibility list to receive financial assistance from the DWRF.
The Authority provides low-cost financing to governmental agencies in Colorado primarily for water and wastewater infrastructure development. It is the policy of the Authority to assist local governments and eligible private not for profits with financing water and wastewater infrastructure in a manner that is flexible and cost-effective yet does not jeopardize the Authority’s principal or security.
The Authority is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors appointed to four-year terms by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Board members are chosen geographically from the eight major drainages basins around the State and from the City and County of Denver. The current Board includes:
- H. Webster Jones (Webb) (Chairman) – Steamboat, Colorado,
- Robert Edward Wolff (Vice Chairman)– San Miguel-Dolores-San Juan Drainage Basin
- Judy Lyn Skram, CPA (Secretary/Treasurer)– South Platte Drainage Basin
- Michael Fabbre – Gunnison-Uncompahgre Drainage Basin
- Steve Vandiver– Rio Grande Drainage Basin
- Chris Treese – Main Colorado Drainage Basin
- Roy Ellsworth Heald – Arkansas Drainage Basin
- Steve D. Price – City and County of Denver
- George Patrick Corkle – North Platte Drainage Basin
- Karl Ohlsen – General Counsil