Water 101 – 201 Seminar Press Release
Colorado Supreme Court Justice Hobbs (retired) to speak at the 12th Annual Water 101 & 201 Seminar

Tens of millions of people, billions of dollars of agricultural production, and an enormous amount of economic activity across a vast swath of America from California to the Mississippi River are all dependent on rivers born in the mountains of Colorado. In a time of mounting demand and limited supply, the need for all citizens to better understand and participate in decisions affecting this critical resource is paramount. Colorado’s population is expected to double by 2050, with a good portion of that occurring on the West Slope. Where will all that water come from?
To discuss this, as well as a multitude of other issues, Nucla, Colorado will be the location for the popular and educational 12th Annual Water 101 and 201 Seminar. Sponsored by the Water Information Program and Tri‑State Generation and Transmission, the seminar will take place on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 from 8:30am to 5:00pm and on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 from 8:30am – 12:00pm at the First Park Community Center (1045 Main Street, Nucla, CO). The Seminar qualifies for 11 continuing education credits (CECs) for Realtors, 10 hours Supplemental TUs for Colorado Water and Wastewater Facility Operators and potential 6 CEC’s for Lawyers for completion of both days. The seminars are open to the general public as well.
Topics include water law, an explanation of water-related agencies and organizations, drought contingency and stream management planning, as well as discussion about timely and important water topics and issues. The 201 Session will provide more in-depth information on water law to include compacts and the water court process. The information presented will assist water consumers in understanding the roles of the agencies involved and the water districts they subscribe too.
Topics include water law, an explanation of water-related agencies and organizations, drought contingency and stream management planning, as well as discussion about timely and important water topics and issues. The 201 Session will provide more in-depth information on water law to include compacts and the water court process. The information presented will assist water consumers in understanding the roles of the agencies involved and the water districts they subscribe too.
The Seminar features a line-up of qualified speakers, including the keynote—Colorado Supreme Court Justice Gregory Hobbs (retired), as well as representatives from federal, state, and local agencies.
Space is limited so register early! The early bird registration fee is $40 before September 7th for the 101 Workshop, $30 for the 201 Session before September 7th, and $60 for both days. For those seeking CEC’s add $25 to each of the preceding. The registration fee includes snack and an information packet both days, as well as lunch on Sept. 18. For more information or to register, go to our water 101 page, or contact the Water Information Program at (970) 247-1302 or visit their website at www.waterinfo.org.