2024 Teacher Registration
26th Annual Children’s Water Festival
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO
EACH INDIVIDUAL TEACHER/CLASS will need to fill-out a registration form. Please do not register your entire 5th Grade Team under one registration form.
Note to Teachers
**If you have been coming to the festival and are able to guide your class to each session we would appreciate it. Please let us know if you will be able to do so! Thank you.
**We are requesting that all teachers provide a cell phone number so we can reach you in the event of an emergency during the festival.
You will have a lunch break from approximately 11:55 – 12:40 pm. Students should bring a sack lunch. If the weather is nice, they can eat outside. If the weather is not favorable, we will use the Vallecito Room and Student Lounge as back-up. Please make sure that all trash is picked up and put in garbage bins. You may also be able to stay in the last class room you were in prior to lunch…with the condition that all garbage be picked up and placed in the garbage bins! Also, due to the uncertainty of weather, students are encouraged to dress in layers and/or bring a change of clothes, as they may get wet during one or more of the presentations. Students must have adult supervision during the entire Festival.
You will receive a confirmation letter, a session tour schedule, and maps of Fort Lewis College a few weeks prior to the Water Festival. The tour schedule will indicate the times your group will attend the various presentations throughout the day. We encourage you to arrive 10-minutes early on the day of the festival so that you can check-in, meet your festival guide, and get to your first presentation on time.
Reservations are Required
For scheduling purposes, please submit this registration form no later than March 8th, 2024. Sooner the better! Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you for another great Water Festival!
Water Information Program
c/o Southwestern Water Conservation District
Attention: Water Festival – [email protected]
841 East Second Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
Phone: (970) 247-1302